Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My life is definitely getting more and more interesting by the day due to more car drama. I might be able to write a book about my car troubles if they continue at this rate. First of all though, let me recount the day's events.
I woke up way too early today at 7:45am with only 5.5 hrs of sleep. Conrad gave me a ride to work this morning. Liam woke up just before I left home and he looked so miserable, poor kid is in a lot of pain. Yay for vicodine though! I went into the cleanroom to assist the morning team but their work was so boring to me that I had to leave. I spent the rest of the morning looking up dance songs for a party I planning to throw. I really hope my boss doesn't read this blog. But just in case, "boss, I really had nothing else to do :p" Keith dropped me off at the Avis to pick up my rental car. Which I promptly crashed. Actually it was both I and the parking attendant that crashed it. It is really hard to say since noone was in the car when we released the brakes. Well since, the attendant released it, i will say that he crashed the car. Fortunately, the manager agreed with me and they gave me a chevy impala instead. God be praised! I met Paul Taylor for lunch and we had a great discussion about YAF. I found out that we have the same personality type ENFP as well as a strong T trait. No wonder I thought he was so cool :). I went back to work and came home and had dinner with Donna and Liam. Donna brought food for us since she heard Liam had accident and she is awesome like that. I went to a book discussion of Every man's battle at PBC. There was some really good sharing there. I learnt a lot. One thing in particular was that we men are always searching for intimacy. We tend to look to women and sex for it. However only God can provide that intimacy we need. That was profound. I always thought my wife will provide the intimacy that I needed but apparently not. I have therefore decided that I will look to God to provide me the most intimacy. Its kind of wierd for us men to think of Jesus as our bridegroom. May God help me with that. Afterwards, I, along with Ken and Andrea helped Jen assemble her Ikea furniture. I am so tired now. My bed calleth. I hope tomorrow is less adventurous :).
Yesterday was my first day at work after my vacation. Liam let me borrow his car since he was working from home today. He broke his collarbone and his on vicodine. As such he can't drive, so we are now both dependent on each other. I need a car and he needs a driver :). Nice how God works these things out. Anyways, I took his turbo-charged subaru to work and it was a fun drive.
It was good to see my boss and coworkers again. Luckily, it was a nice relaxing day with little work so I spent most of the day chatting. On a high note, I had a faith conversation with my boss. I think his faith is growing. Its awesome since I have been praying for it on and off for so long. Hopefully he will become a great christian CEO. He did share on cool thing with me though. He told me the definition of great faith is to regard something as good as done. That really encouraged me hold on to certain promises of God better. I should not doubt, I should assume that those promises are as good as done and develop an attitude based on those beliefs. Keith, my coworker bought me both lunch and dinner. He is one of the most generous people I know. Its quite amazing how much he cares for people. On the flip side, he can passionately dislike you if you mistreat him. I think he might be an ESFJ personality type which is very rare in men.
I went to the foundation experiment afterwards and Pastor Danielle gave a great exposition on the diversity of the early church. It was made up of hebraic Jews, Greco-roman jews and gentiles from many nations. What a mess? I wonder how they stayed together. She also explain to me that while we can be assured that the only way to know God the Father was through Jesus Christ, we shouldnt assume that only Christians go to heaven. She said the text strongly implies that fact but it doesn't say it explicitly. For all we know, God gives every sinner a chance to join him in paradise after they die. I pray that God in His great mercy will give everyone a great chance to share in the awesomeness of His love. That said, there is nothing like the sweet fellowship of God in this earthly life. I won't trade anything for it as I am sure that nothing satisfies except for God.
This means that perhaps we could evangelise to non-christians by saying that "hey look, we dont know if you are going to heaven or hell, that is for God to decide. But if you want to have the abundant and fulfilling life on earth, Jesus Christ is the way." As the apostle Paul said "Nothing we obtain in this world compares to the surpassing value of knowing Jesus Christ".
After the study, I went to play basketball at 24 hr fitness. There was a team there that had 2 6-6 guys that could dunk like crazy. I couldn't wait for the opportunity to guard one of them in a game. When i got the opportunity, I was able to make his life quite difficult :). His team still won but I was quite happy i was able to take away a lot of his shots. He still got the dunks in though :(.
I am now trying very hard to sleep but I can't due to all the endorphins i got from basketball, and I have to wake up in 5 hours, sigh!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

W00T!If feels good to write again. Life
got really busy the past few years so I stopped processing things in writing.
Anyways, yesterday was one of the most eventful days of my life! Whew, it was
quite epic! The day started normally. I woke up and first thing I did was
to check if City Team needed me to help wash their vans. While volunteer work is
not the first thing I think about when I wake up, it happened that my friends
were signed up to wash vans there that morning. Naturally, I wanted to join them
but alas, I wasn't needed. Cindy J then called me and told me she was going to
stop tutoring and become a full time interior designer. That totally made my day
since I am sure she will become quite wealthy knowing how good she is. If life
becomes hard one day, my plan is to move back in with Dan and Cindy J (fingers
crossed) :). After talking to Cindy for a while, I decided to drive over to her
house to hang out there. Mellissa joined us later and we started talking about
having boundaries and being able to take care of yourself. Cindy explained it to
me using an analogy. She said, your physical/emotional/spiritual self is like a
garden with a gate. You have to always tend your garden before you tend others
otherwise your garden will die. You also have to man your gate to a prevent
others from coming in to mess up your garden. You only allow good things in so
that your garden remains great. This is awesome because from now on i dont
plan on allowing anyone to mess with my garden. I am so excited about this.
Later that evening, Dan came home and we all went out for eat ethiopian food.
Yum yum! After dinner, I met up with Soji for coffee in East San Jose. I yelped
for a good coffee place and cafe 288 came out on top. We met up there only to
realise that it was not a typical cafe. Anyway it was still a lot of fun getting
to hear Soji's experiences in the US. I left the cafe close to midnight only to
realise that my car was gone. I was in total disbelief! I immediately called the
towing hotline to see if my car had been accidentally towed. Apparently not,
they told me it had been stolen. In fact, the even asked me if I had a 1993
honda accord before i told them the type of car I had. Apparently, thieves love
the 93 Accords :(. Soji and I waited till 1:00am before the cops showed up to
take a stolen car report. The cop was a fun guy though so it was easy to make
light of the situation and have a good conversation about stealing cars.
Apparently, you can use a fork to start my car. Go figure! Soji dropped me off
at home and I had a good night sleep.