Wednesday, March 31, 2004

I am back, after an absence of half a year, I have began to blog again. Why? good question, but i dont know the answer. Probably due to the fact that Jeannie Rose wanted me to blog so much that she gave me a laptop to do it. (If you guys see her, tell her she is awesome). Maybe more so due to the fact that I am taking all techie classes this quarter and thus i have to do some writing else i will go insane. So next question, What should i write about? well lets start with my day. I woke up like 9:00am, showered, dressed up, ate breakfast and got to my 9:30 vehicle dynamics class. Yeah i know, I am fast. Oh forgot to mention that i did my quiet time during that period too. Class was good and after that came back home, made some lunch and went to swimming class. After swimming, played some warcraft and went to the frosoco RA session. I must say that though i am a east campus fan, sterling quad is a beautiful area. Wont mind RAing there at all. I also had a good discussion about war poetry with one of the frosoco RFs. Had a quick dinner, watched the later end of the womens basketball game and saw them lose by just two points, if only chelsea trotter had caught the rebound. Went to the allfrosh houses info session in the evening. Hanged out in the house later. Played some warcraft and started to blog after reading some peeps blog. Helen's had a entry about when i made fufu for her and June. Its really fun to see my name in other people's blogs. Am I self-centered or what :). Anyway feel free to mention me anytime and i will give you props for it. Ok, i think i will stop now and go read some more blogs. Which ones? very good question, let me think; who will have my name in it; cant think of any. Well, thats not a problem, i am sure there are some funny ones out there. Ok dudes, see all y'all later. Peace